Articles by Thomas (TJ) Porter

TJ Porter has in-depth experience in reviewing financial products such as savings accounts, credit cards, and brokerages, writing how-tos, and answering financial questions. He has also contributed to publications and companies such as Investment Zen and Echo Fox. He aims to provide actionable advice that can help readers better their financial lives. Education: B.S. in Business Administration, Concentration in Information Systems from Northeastern University.

How to Invest in Ethereum (ETH) Cryptocurrency Learn how to buy and sell Ethereum as a way for you to invest through one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world. Do You Have to Carry a Balance and Pay Interest to Build Credit? Photo of Thomas (TJ) Porter Thomas (TJ) Porter Do You Have to Carry a Balance and Pay Interest to Build Credit? It’s a common belief: A way to improve your credit is to carry a small balance... Do You Still Earn Credit Card Rewards With Apple Pay & Google Pay? Photo of Thomas (TJ) Porter Thomas (TJ) Porter Do You Still Earn Credit Card Rewards With Apple Pay & Google Pay? One of the best features of credit cards is that they often offer rewards for... Which Credit Cards Offer an Extended Warranty on Your Smartphone? Learn everything you need to know about using the extended warranty on your credit cards as it applies to your smartphone purchase, including iPhones and Android devices. Find out what you need to do to make a claim under the extended warranty, such as claim limits and required documents 7 Ways That You're Procrastinating on Your Finances See the most common ways that people procrastinate on their finances and how to address them so that you can take control of the finances sooner. How to Reduce Your Credit Card Swipe Fees Photo of Thomas (TJ) Porter Thomas (TJ) Porter How to Reduce Your Credit Card Swipe Fees Credit card companies were founded with the same goal as any other business, to... When is it Okay to Take a Hit to Your Credit Score? Photo of Thomas (TJ) Porter Thomas (TJ) Porter When is it Okay to Take a Hit to Your Credit Score? Your credit score is an important part of your financial life. It determines... Can You Have Multiple Brokerage Accounts? When It Makes Sense Find out whether you can have multiple brokerage accounts and compare the scenarios where you might consider more than one brokerage account. Best Personal Loans for Excellent Credit Scores (750-850) If you've got an excellent credit score between 750 and 850, find out which personal loans are the best options for you based on interest rates and fees. What Cards/Payment Types Are Accepted Through Square? Photo of Thomas (TJ) Porter Thomas (TJ) Porter What Cards/Payment Types Are Accepted Through Square? Square Stand accepts card payments As a consumer, you may already have run into a...