Articles by Simon Zhen
Where to Find Small Personal Loans
Find out where you can find small personal loans when you just need a little bit of extra money to get by. Compare your options from banks, credit unions, and online lenders to see which one offers the small-dollar personal loan that fits your needs.
Simon Zhen
The Tax Advantages of Taking a HELOC
The Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) offers an economical way of consolidating...
Insider Secrets from a Chase Banker: How to Complain the Right Way
Don't make it a habit to overspend with a debit card -- it can be...
How to Invest in U.S. Series I Savings Bonds
Learn the basics how to invest in Series I Savings Bonds, a viable savings product with low-risk and protection from inflation.
Simon Zhen
What is an ACH Transfer?
Learn more about ACH transfers, which are common for moving funds between bank accounts electronically.
Simon Zhen
How the IRS Collects Taxes You Owe
If you thought debt collectors were pesky, the wrath of the Internal Revenue...
What Happens If You Can’t Pay Your Taxes
There are few things in life more disappointing than finishing your income taxes...
How to Reduce Next Year's Income Taxes
Simon Zhen
Major Life Milestones That Could Change Your Tax Situation
Find out which major life milestones can result in big changes to your tax filing season -- they could have an impact on the complexity of your taxes.
Simon Zhen
How to Finance a College Education with a HELOC
Giving a child a quality college education to equip them for a professional career...