Articles by Simon Zhen

Simon Zhen is the chief research analyst for MyBankTracker and an expert on consumer banking products, bank innovations, and financial technology. Simon has contributed and/or been quoted in major publications and outlets including Consumer Reports, American Banker, Yahoo Finance, U.S. News - World Report, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Lifehacker, and Education: Education: B.S. in Health Sciences from Stony Brook University.

Delta Airlines Deals and Credit Card Offers Delta Airlines offers occasional deals and discounts on flights while their credit card offers can help you save money on airfare and travel benefits. Best IRA CD Rates in 2024 for Retirement Savings Photo of Simon Zhen Simon Zhen Best IRA CD Rates in 2024 for Retirement Savings When you’re building retirement savings, an individual retirement account (IRA) is... Marcus by Goldman Sachs: Savings, CDs, Personal Loans in One Place Photo of Simon Zhen Simon Zhen Marcus by Goldman Sachs: Savings, CDs, Personal Loans in One Place Marcus by Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs Bank USA, the online bank, is now rebranded... Find the Best Savings Account in Washington, D.C. Find out which savings accounts are the best from banks in Washington D.C. Compare them to the best online savings accounts based on interest rates and fees. The Best Savings Accounts for Your Kids Find out which kids savings accounts are the best for your children. Learn how to use them to teach strong financial habits when they're still young. What is a Savings Account?: A Quick 101 Guide Photo of Simon Zhen Simon Zhen What is a Savings Account?: A Quick 101 Guide 1. What is a Savings Account and Why Do I Need One? A savings account is a type... Who Has Better CDs? Ally Bank vs. Capital One 360 Photo of Simon Zhen Simon Zhen Who Has Better CDs? Ally Bank vs. Capital One 360 The two of the nation’s largest online banks, Ally Bank and Capital One 360, have... Having Fewer Bank Accounts Makes You a Better Saver When it comes to investing, we’re taught to never put all of our eggs in one basket. But, for savings, we’re better off having our money in one place, according to a research. Discover Vs. Ally Bank Savings Accounts Review List of Interest Checking Accounts Offered by Online Banks in U.S. Photo of Simon Zhen Simon Zhen List of Interest Checking Accounts Offered by Online Banks in U.S. Online banks are financial institutions that offer products and services available...