Articles by Simon Zhen
4 Steps To Avoid Credit Card Debt
If you’re new to having a card or just nervous about accumulating debt, take the following tips to learn how to manage your credit.
Simon Zhen
What is Overdraft Protection and How Does it Work?
With all the fuss that's been going on about overdraft fees and how banks have...
How Secure Are Online Bank Websites?
The development and increasing popularity of online banking has been one of the...
How to Opt Out From Overdraft Fees
Simon Zhen
Buy a Home With a Cash or Mortgage: Which is Better?
If you are lucky enough to have the funds, you can choose to buy a house with cash or a mortgage. Which is the smarter option?
Simon Zhen
How to Finance Renovations: Home Equity Loan vs. HELOC
Whether your house has fallen into disrepair and is badly in need of...
How to Comfortably Retire On A Million Dollars: Is it Possible?
Those who are fortunate enough to still be holding on to stable jobs at these...
Employment Tips: Getting Your First Post-College Job
Simon Zhen
The Truth in Lending Act and How It Can Help a HELOC Borrower
Simon Zhen
What is the Process of Getting a HELOC Loan
For many homeowners who are already able to take out a second mortgage, the Home...