Articles by Valencia Patrice Higuera
Compare Basic Business Savings Accounts From Top U.S. Banks
Compare the basic business savings accounts offered by the top U.S. banks based on their monthly fees, minimum balance requirements, and other service fees. Learn how many free monthly transactions and monthly cash deposits are offered before additional fees are charges. See the main factors that make a good business savings account.
Valencia Patrice Higuera
Co-op Insurance: How It Differs From Standard Homeowners Insurance
If you live in a co-op, you'll need -- specifically -- co-op insurance, which is...
Homeowners Insurance for a Vacation Home or Second Home
Whether you’re looking for a winter or summer escape, buying a second home or...
FAIR Plan Insurance vs. Private Homeowners Insurance Policy
Learn how FAIR Plans can offer insurance coverage for homes that may not qualify for standard homeowners insurance policies due to high risk.
Valencia Patrice Higuera
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Plumbing, Pipe Leak Damage?
Find out whether your standard homeowners insurance policy will cover damage to your property as a result of plumbing issues and pipe leaks.
Valencia Patrice Higuera
HO3 vs HO5 Homeowners Insurance Policy: What’s the Difference?
Homeowners insurance protects your property from losses and damages. It’s not...
What Happens When You Don’t Have Homeowners Insurance?
Your home (and the contents inside) is your biggest investment, so replacing the...
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Tree Removal Costs?
Find out how your homeowners insurance policy can help to cover the cost of removing a fallen tree on your property or a neighbor's property.
Valencia Patrice Higuera
Why Did Your Homeowners Insurance Premiums Go Up So Much?
Learn about the most common reasons that your homeowners insurance premiums increased significantly -- and how you can take steps to bring them back down.
Valencia Patrice Higuera
Are Homeowners Insurance Premiums Tax-Deductible?
A home is a valuable asset, so it only makes sense to protect it with...