Articles by Thomas (TJ) Porter
Best 2-Year CD Rates for Mid-Term Savings Goals
Find out which banks offer the best 2-year CD rates for short term savings growth - comparing 2-year certificates of deposit to savings accounts.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
10 Year-End Moves for Your Investment Portfolio
The end of the year is a great time to take stock of a lot of things in your...
Credit Union CD Rates Compared to the Online Bank CD Rates
Using a certificate of deposit (CD) is one of the best ways to save for the short...
How to Buy Apple Stock: One of the Biggest Tech Brands
Learn how you can become an investor in one of the world's most popular brand by buying shares of Apple stock -- taking part of its success in iPhones and more.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Best 3-Month CD Rates 2024: Better Than a Regular Savings Account?
Find out which banks offer the best 3-month CD rates to savers who want to set aside money for the short term -- comparing them to other savings and CD options.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
How to Become an Accredited Investor Based on Income or Net Worth
Many people may have heard the words “accredited investor” but never had occasion...
How to Invest in PayPal: Buy Stock in the Digital Payments Giant
PayPal (NASDAQ: PYPL) is a well-known company that helps consumers and companies...
How Stay-at-Home Parents Can Build Good Credit
As a stay-at-home parent, learn why you should maintain a good credit score and find out how to improve your credit so that you can get approved for loans.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
How to Invest in Ethereum (ETH) Cryptocurrency
Learn how to buy and sell Ethereum as a way for you to invest through one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Do You Have to Carry a Balance and Pay Interest to Build Credit?
It’s a common belief:
A way to improve your credit is to carry a small balance...