Updated: Feb 27, 2025

The Best Savings Accounts in Maryland for 2025

Find out which local banks in Maryland offer the best savings accounts available in the state. Compare them to online savings accounts available nationwide.
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Maryland is home to more than 6 million Americans and is located right next to our nation’s capital

Because most of the six million residents of Maryland need bank accounts, the banks that operate in the state compete to draw new customers. The savings account is one of the most common of the many services that banks offer.

If you live in Maryland and want a savings account, this article will discuss some of your options. Taking the time to find the right bank can help you get a great deal on an account.


The Best Savings Accounts in Maryland

Local banks offer two major benefits that national banks cannot.

One is that local banks can provide more personalized service.

Think about the difference between visiting a local farmer’s market and going to a huge grocery store. The person at the farmer’s market will get to know you and what kind of foods you like.

They might be able to make recommendations or offer you deals as you get to know each other.

The staff at a local bank will get to know you over time and will be better equipped to provide specialized help.

The second is that local banks specifically target local consumers.

National banks have to meet the needs of people across the country.

Features that are helpful to someone in California may not be useful to people who are in Maryland. A local bank can put its full focus on providing services that meet the needs of local customers and avoid wasting money on services that its customers won’t use.

One good reason to work with a national bank is that they offer huge networks of branches and ATMs.

If you travel regularly or wind up moving, you’ll have no trouble using your existing bank account. You might have to pay some ATM fees or change banks if you travel or move and only have an account at a regional bank.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Savings Accounts from Local Banks

Benefits Drawbacks
  • Lower fees than national banks (but not always)
  • Personal service for account management
  • Smaller branch and ATM networks
  • Interest rates are not the highest available

M&T Bank e-Money Market

The M&T Bank e-Money Market Account gives consumers the benefits of a fee-free savings account with some of the flexibility of a checking account. Money Market Accounts are a special type of bank account.

They offer the interest rates of savings accounts with the check-writing ability of checking accounts. They often have higher interest rates than savings accounts because banks have more freedom to invest money you deposit to a money market account.

The increased flexibility and interest is usually compensated for by fees and high minimum deposits. The M&T Bank e-Money Market Account charges no monthly fee.

The only fee to watch out for is a $12.50 withdrawal fee on every withdrawal after the sixth in a month. There’s also no minimum deposit requirement and no minimum balance that you must maintain.

United Bank Platinum Savings Account

The United Bank Platinum Savings offers another fee-free way to start saving.

To open the account, you’ll have to make a $50 initial deposit. Once the account is open, there won’t be a minimum balance requirement. There will also be no monthly fee. The only fee to worry about is the $5 excessive transaction fee that applies to each withdrawal after the sixth in a statement period.

You can also request an ATM card attached to the account. You can use it to make withdrawals at any United Bank ATM.

How we picked

MyBankTracker applied a methodology when choosing the best savings accounts in Maryland. Our top recommendations were selected based on a thorough analysis of savings accounts offered by the top 50 banks by deposit market share in Maryland (based on FDIC June 2023 data)--serving major cities including Baltimore, Columbia, Germantown, Silver Spring, Waldorf, and Annapolis.

We focused on savings accounts with low monthly maintenance fees, easy-to-meet requirements to waive these fees, the bank’s physical branch and ATM network, excess withdrawal fees, and any other convenience features.

Online Savings Accounts are Available Nationwide

Local banks aren’t the only option available to you.

Online banks have become more popular in recent years and are known for having great savings account offerings.

Many traditional banks have cut interest rates and raised fees in the past decade. This means that customers often wind up paying for the service of having a bank account.

Online banks flip this trend on its head, paying rates ten to one hundred times higher than traditional banks do. They also tend to charge low or no fees.

Lower fees, higher rates

Interest rates and fees can have a massive impact on the value of your savings.

If you leave your money to grow for a few years, even what seems like a small difference can cause a change of hundreds to thousands of dollars in your ending balance.

Don’t forget that brick-and-mortar banks often charge fees.

If you paid a monthly fee, it could wipe out all the interest you earned, leaving you with less than you deposited.

That’s another reason to choose an online bank.

No minimum deposits

If you don’t have much money to spare but want to start saving, online banks are a great choice.

Many brick-and-mortar banks require that you have $50 or $100 to deposit to open a new savings account.

Most online banks have minimum deposit requirements of $10 or less. Some even let you open an account with just a penny.

Your money is safe

People often perceive online banks as less safe than brick-and-mortar banks. Admittedly, giving your money to a bank you can’t see can be scary, but online banks are just as safe.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will insure your savings account, up to a limit of $250,000. If you deposit money to an online bank that later goes bankrupt, the FDIC will reimburse you for the lost amount.

The insurance limit applies by account type at a bank.

If you have two personal savings accounts, you’re only protected on up to $250,000 in combined balances.

You can get additional protection by opening a savings account at a different bank or by opening a joint account at the same bank.