How to Find an Old 401k Account from a Previous Employer
If you've lost track of an old 401(k) retirement account that you opened with a previous employer, learn what you can do to find and retrieve your money.
Valerie Ashton
How to Minimize Taxes During Retirement
If you regularly pour money into your IRA or 401(k) accounts, you might be...
How to Build Retirement Savings When You Only Earn $30,000 Per Year
Let’s face it:
Saving for retirement can be a challenge.
Lots of Americans...
Should You Still Invest in a 401(k) Without a Company Match?
Find out whether it is still a smart financial move for your retirement savings to contribute to a 401(k) plan when your employer doesn't provide a match.
Kevin Mercadante
Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage or Save for Retirement First?
Find out whether it is a smarter financial move to focus on paying off your mortgage or on saving for retirement. Compare the pros and cons of each option.
Lance Cothern
What to Do When You’re Age 40 With No Retirement Savings
The sooner you start saving for retirement, the better.
The power of...
How to Bounce Back at Age 65 With No Retirement Savings
By the time you reach age 65, you’ve no doubt heard the incessant call that you...
Can You Contribute to Both a 401(k) and an IRA at the Same Time?
Find out whether you can contribute retirement savings to both an employer-sponsored 401(k) plan and an IRA, either traditional or Roth, at the same time.
Paul Sisolak
Should You Contribute the Maximum to Your 401(k)?
Find out if it is a good idea to contribute the maximum amount to your particular 401(k) plan because there are times when it doesn‘t make sense.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Have You Switched Jobs? What You Should Do With Your Old 401(k)s
401(k)s are one of the most common retirement plans in the United States. Many...
Should You Use Your 401(k) or IRA As a Down Payment on a House?
Most homebuyers can’t afford to pay cash for the total value of their home.
A Retirement Guide for 50-Year-Olds With No Retirement Savings
Follow these steps if you're age 50 and have no retirement savings. Learn which retirement accounts should take priority, in addition to the types of investments that you should consider to help grow your retirement portfolio.
John Csiszar
Is It a Good Idea to Use Your IRA to Pay Off Credit Card Debt?
Find out if you should withdraw funds from your individual retirement account (IRA) to help pay off high-interest credit card debt. Learn about the taxes and penalties that you'll have to pay if you take money out of an IRA before retirement age -- rules vary depending on whether you have a traditional or Roth IRA.
Nicole Dieker
No Retirement Savings at Age 30? How to Get Started
The best time to start saving for retirement is now.
It’s especially important...
Should You Split Contributions Between Traditional and Roth 401(k)s?
A 401(k) is a popular retirement savings account offered by many employers. But...
How to Convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA
Use this step-by-step process to convert a traditional IRA to an Roth IRA. Find out when it makes sense for you to switch the type of individual retirement account. Learn how this change will affect your tax situation, including what you should be aware of to avoid any kinds of penalties.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
How to Invest for Retirement on a $30,000 Salary
With the median U.S. salary at around $30,000, learn how you can still save for retirement and invest in a portfolio that will grow for many years to come. Find out how to set up your finances, especially by choosing the right accounts, to get yourself started on retirement savings even if you have low income.
Krista Baum
5 Ways to Save for Retirement as a Full-Time Freelancer
So you’ve finally made the leap to full-time freelancer. For you, this means time...
What Makes a Bad 401(k) Plan?
An employer-sponsored 401(k) retirement plan is usually an excellent retirement...
Guide to Using a Backdoor Roth IRA
Learn the step by step process of setting up a backdoor Roth IRA to help taxpayers who've reached the income limits to qualify for contributions. Find out what taxes you are responsible for paying when you convert a traditional IRA. Most importantly, determine for yourself when it makes sense to use a backdoor Roth IRA.
Valencia Patrice Higuera
How to Invest for Retirement When You Don’t Have a 401(k)
Learn how you can still save for retirement when you don't have access to a 401(k) that is normally provided as an employer-sponsored retirement plan by your company. Find out what the other investment options are available to generate long-term returns that are better than a savings account.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Should You Invest in a Traditional or Roth IRA CD?
Certificates of deposit (CDs) are a special type of deposit account designed to...
What Are the Differences Between IRA CDs and Regular CDs
A certificate of deposit (CD) is a type of deposit account that is ideal for...
What You Need to Know When Taking an RMD from an IRA CD
Learn how to take a required minimum distribution from your IRA CD so that you are following all the rules set forth by the IRS. This allows you to get your retirement savings without incurring any penalties and taxes that could hurt your IRA CD earnings. Find out how to use IRA CDs strategically for your retirement.
Paul Sisolak
How to Rollover an IRA: A Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to roll over your IRA into another IRA with two different options: a direct rollover (IRA-to-IRA) transfer and an indirect rollover. See the steps to take to ensure that retirement funds keep growing and how to avoid penalties.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
What Happens When Your IRA CD Reaches Maturity
Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are designed to help you save money for when...
Can IRA CDs Be Used as Collateral for a Loan?
Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are designed to help people save for...
Why Choose a Live Financial Advisor Over Automated Advisor?
Find out whether a live financial advisor or robo-advisor is better to help you build a balanced, diversified investment portfolio that will help you grow your retirement savings. Compare the benefits and fees of each option to determine which choice is a better match for your financial situation.
Paul Sisolak
How Do Early Withdrawal Penalties Apply to IRA CDs?
Find out how early withdrawal penalties are applied to IRA CDs (individual retirement account certificates of deposit).
Valencia Patrice Higuera