Articles by Shannon McNay
How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Faster
Need a credit card payoff strategy? Here‘s how to lower your interest rates, utilize balance transfer credit cards, and use other methods to get out of debt.
Shannon McNay
Does Closing a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score?
Anyone who’s battled credit card debt before may understand the feeling of wanting...
Late Credit Card Payment? Here's What to Do
We all have those moments. Either the due date flew by without us noticing or we...
What Happens If You Don't Use Your Credit Card?
Not using your credit card may seem harmless, but can have surprising effects on your credit score. How to decide if you should use or close your dormant card.
Shannon McNay
What Happens if You Maxed Out Your Credit Card
We all know maxing a credit card isn't good but do you know the consequences? Here's what happens if you max out your card, how to prevent it, and how to fix it.
Shannon McNay
Cash or Credit Card: Which is the Best Way to Pay?
The world of personal finance is one that’s full of staunch opinions.
Credit Card Perks That Will Help Save Your Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day: perhaps one of the most stressful days of the year. What was...
Credit Card vs. Debit Card: Which is the Best for Travel Abroad?.
Traveling abroad? Find out the best way to access and spend your money so you can save on fees, earn rewards, and protect your finances while you travel.
Shannon McNay
Which Cash Back Credit Card is Better: Chase, Discover or Citi?
Of Chase Freedom, Citi Double Cash, and Discover It, which is best? MyBankTracker compares cash back credit cards to help you come to an informed decision.
Shannon McNay
Should You Cancel a Credit Card That Never Use?
If you were to open up your wallet right now and look at your credit card...