Articles by Paul Sisolak
How to Get Personal Loans With No Credit Score
Learn how you can get approved for personal loans even when you don't have any credit or credit score. Find out ways to improve your credit fast, too.
Paul Sisolak
How to Use Personal Loans for Travel
You imagine yourself kicking back on some tropical, distant island with a drink in...
When You Should Use Personal Loans for Home Improvement
You achieved your dream of buying a house. At some point, you might want to start...
How to Finance a Car With a Personal Loan
Learn how you can use personal loans to finance your next car purchase when traditional auto loans are not available.
Paul Sisolak
How to Consolidate & Pay Off Credit Card Debt With Personal Loans
Learn how you can find the best personal loans for the purpose of credit card refinancing (aka. debt consolidation), which can lower monthly payments.
Paul Sisolak
How to Consolidate Debt With a Personal Loan
Imagine making just one payment towards your debt instead of several. And, you're...
How to Handle a Tax Bill That You Cannot Afford
Whether you’ve prepared your tax return already or just getting around to it, you...
How to Avoid Airline Fees for Canceling Flights
Find out how much airlines will charge in fees when you cancel a flight that you redeemed with points or miles and learn how to avoid those fees.
Paul Sisolak
Employer Paying for Your Student Loans vs. Contributing to 401(k): Pros & Cons
Find out how to choose between student loan assistance and 401(k) access through your employer when you can only choose from one of these compensation packages, Compare the benefits of each perk to see which one makes more sense for you because student loan debt can be such a major financial burden.
Paul Sisolak
Why Is My Student Loan Balance Not Going Down?
In a perfect world, you’d make at least the monthly minimum payment on your...