Updated: Jan 30, 2025

High Interest Checking Calculator

Compare high-interest checking accounts with our checking account calculator. See which checking account will make you the most return on your money...

Here's an easy way to compare high interest checking accounts based on your average monthly balance, time period, and interest rate. Hit "calculate" to see the results.

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Average Monthly Balance

The amount you plan on keeping in our account. Add this amount to get the total, and then divide this number by the amount of months, and you will get the average. For example, if your balance was $1,000, $2,000, and $3,000 for 3 months, your average monthly balance for 3 months is $2,000.

Time Period

Choose the length of time you plan on keeping the average monthly balance in the account.

Interest Rate

The percentage of interest you will receive from the bank.

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