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How to Correctly Search for Insurance Online
Simon Zhen
How to Claim Your Insurance After an Accident
Accidents can be a terrifying experience for everyone involved. Adrenaline takes over...
10 Ways to Assess Your Insurance Policy; Are You Covered
It is important for clients to review their policies every year to prevent claims...
8 Ways You May be Breaking Your Insurance Policy
Simon Zhen
4 Stages of Life I Should Consider Life Insurance
Simon Zhen
The Power of Online Home Listing Services: Zillow, Trulia and Redfin
As with most industries, the real-estate vertical has experienced a digital shift as...
Forget Social, Banks Need to Customize Their Accounts
What does it take for a bank to understand its customer base? A whole lot, according...
What is a Mutual Fund?
Simon Zhen
Understand the Costs of a Mutual Fund
Simon Zhen
How to Handle Asset Allocation
Establishing a diversified investment portfolio is the go-to method for balancing...
Retail vs. Web vs. Bank
Prepaid cards are all over the place now. Every 7-Eleven has a rack full of them. Both...
Fixing Everything Else
Paul Conley
Fixing the Money Situation
Paul Conley
Put That Lobster Down! (Maybe)
Robert Banh/flickr|
This week,...
Should I Rent or Buy?
Renting and buying each have their own merits and their own pitfalls. As a renter,...
I'm In Over My Head. Who Can Help?
Avoiding bankruptcy is key to preventing long term damage to your financial health. If you have to much debt, seek assistance from a Certified Consumer Credit Counselor.
Simon Zhen
How to Determine If You Have Too Much Debt
Pay attention to the warning signs that you may be carrying to much debt. Determining how much debt you have will allow you to build a debt management plan.
Simon Zhen
Three Ridiculous Retirement Mistakes
People make mistakes. There’s no avoiding it. The key to success in retirement...
Is My 401(k) Plan a Rip Off?
Worried that you’re getting ripped off by your 401(k) plan?
We can’t blame you....
How Much Money Will I Get From Social Security?
Wondering how much money social security will get you. Here’s the answer: Not enough. So, what is the perfect age to start getting payouts?
Simon Zhen
When Should I Start Saving For Retirement?
When should I start savings for retirement? As soon as you can. The sooner you start, the better off you’ll be.
Simon Zhen
What Is an Umbrella Insurance Policy and Is It Right for You?
In today's highly litigious society, you can really never be too careful. As a single...
Should You Consolidate Your Debt Using Peer-to-Peer Lending?
In the world of debt consolidation, there are plenty of people looking to make a buck...
3 Payment Methods You Think Build Credit That May Not
Not every piece of plastic can boost your credit score. Here are some payment methods that may not build credit the way you think they do.
Jeanine Skowronski
Should Spending Cash Be a Branded Experience?
Willy Staley
What to Do With That Big Freelance Check
There's plenty of advice out there on the Internet for what to do with a windfall...
4 Alternative Ways to Measure Your Creditworthiness
The current model of judging a consumer’s credit risk has been repeatedly called a bad...
3 Ways to Lose Your Credit Card Rewards Points
Rewards points don’t expire like they used to, but you can still lose the points, miles or cash back bonus you’ve accrued on a credit card.
Jeanine Skowronski
What Lenders (and You) Can Say on Your Credit Report
Lenders technically can add statements to your credit report, but they’re written in code and won’t have a direct impact on your credit score.
Jeanine Skowronski