FAQs & Basics on Banks & Consumer Banking
List of Online Banks With Savings and Interest Checking Accounts
Find out which online banks offer high yield savings accounts and interest checking accounts that are worth considering because of high rates and fees.
Simon Zhen
How to Determine Your Bank’s Financial Health
You might think all banks are alike and so strictly regulated by the federal...
Banks vs. Credit Unions: Where to Get a Mortgage?
What's the difference between getting a mortgage loan at your bank vs. a credit...
6 Reasons Why People Avoid Online Banks
Trying to decide between a traditional and online bank? The advantages of online banking not only save you money, but potentially earn more in interest.
Peter Bennett
Why You Should Choose Online Banks
Online banks come along with a number of advantages and may be a better fit for some people than small traditional banks — here are just a few reasons why.
Erik Neilson
Why Your Bank Account Has Been Hacked
About one-half of American adults have had their information hacked in to by...
How to Use Chexsystems to Fix a Bad Credit Report
ChexSystems is a reporting agency sort of like a credit reporting agency, like...
A Bank Teller Reveals Secrets and Debunks Banking Myths
Bank secrets revealed and debunked by an unnamed bank teller at a major bank on bank practices, teller capabilities, and consumer money moves.
Katherine Muniz
How to Switch Bank Accounts Quickly
Learn ways to get you through the bank switching process faster and with less issues.
Shayla Mars
Is a Credit Union Better than a Traditional Bank?
You may have accepted your bank for the last few years because nothing new has...
How Secure Are Online Bank Websites?
The development and increasing popularity of online banking has been one of the...