Articles by Peter Bennett
Mortgage Protection Insurance Pros And Cons
Mortgage protection insurance, despite a bad rap as being more costly than term insurance, fills a key niche for first-time homebuyers.
Peter Bennett
Save as a Renter If You Don't Like the High Cost of Homeownership
Despite declarations by nearly every modern U.S. President that owning a home lies...
12 Holiday Savings Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas
Enough already! If I hear one more holiday song about spending money, I think I’m...
Avoid Email Scams With These 'Phish' and Tips
To avoid email scams, computer users need to make themselves more aware of phishing tactics.
Peter Bennett
Personal Experience and Financial Tips for Newlyweds
A 30-year-old accountant offers surprising financial tips for newlyweds.
Peter Bennett
What is Better to Buy an Old House or New Construction?
Often the first advice prospective homebuyers hear is go talk to a lender to...
10 Tips for ‘Getting’ Your Financial Act Together Before Turning 30
Turning 30 is more than a number, it’s a state of mind, telling you to finally get...
10 Ways to Establish Financial Independence In Your 20s
Everyone wants to be on free and on their own as adults. To establish financial independence in your 20s and beyond, start with these 10 financial tips.
Peter Bennett
Use a HELOC to Repair Pet Damage to Your Home for Sale
If you repair pet damage and make your home more pet friendly, you'll command top dollar when you decide to sell.
Peter Bennett
Before Giving Money to Family, Follow These 5 Critical Steps
Giving money to family should be one of your truly great joys in life. What could be...