Articles by Jeff Yoncich
Banking at Walmart: GoBank 2025 Review
Walmart banking services through GoBank provides an FDIC-insured checking account and debit card to under-served young and lower-income households.
Jeff Yoncich
What You Need to Know About the Latest Bank Security Hack
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Big banks experience cyber attacks nearly every...
Best Ways to Save for a Car if You Plan to Pay in Cash
You've been thinking about a big ticket purchase, like a new car, and would like...
529 Plans or CDs: Choosing the Best Way to Save for College
MyBankTracker breaks down 529 plans and CDs to help you decide which way is the best way to save for college.
Jeff Yoncich
5 Realistic Ways Millennials Can Hustle Their Way to Millionaire Status
Millennial millionaires are more common than you think -- here are practical ways you can build your personal wealth to millionaire status.
Jeff Yoncich
Why These 4 Personal Finance Myths Perpetuate Money Problems
A field of study called “behavioral finance” now integrates psychology into...
Should You Use a Credit Card to Get Cash from ATM?
At some point in your adult life, you've probably heard that taking out a credit...
6 Likely Reasons Why You Experienced a Credit Score Drop
There are six main causes of a credit score drop. Learn them so you can keep a better eye on your credit history and score.
Jeff Yoncich
How to Pay Off Debt with 0% Balance Transfer Card
Follow suggestions on the best way to use a zero percent credit card balance transfer, so you don't get burned and create more debt.
Jeff Yoncich
When to Make a Lump Sum Mortgage Payment
We've heard from a reader who'd like some investment advice -- specifically, on...